Couples-Adult hand casting kit "Large" is for 2 couples holding hand casting strictly. Family Hand Casting Kit "Jumbo" kit is for casting of large pose, such as 2 adult and 2 or 3 child hands or 4 adult hands or even more, all depends of your pose and moulding container in use. Process of casting for 2 couple hands is much easier than casting of 2-3 hands or more. So we will focus on casting of 2-3 hands or more.
Firstly you need get suitable moulding container which fits your desire pose (this could be bucket of paint or similar, depends of size of pose). Once you got container, immerse your pose and fill by water around wrist level.
Please use following video about - how.
Please note:
1. 4 ltr is a maximum amount of water you can use for this kit (Family Hand Casting Kit "Jumbo"). If you got no more than 4 litres of water - this kit is for you.
2. At this step can be used tap water.
3. Casting of children younger 3 years can be complicated, as they don’t understand and they don’t keep still long enough. Instructions include tips about casting of children younger 3 years.
4. Very important to use Distilled/Deionized water and clean and dry container when moulding are taking.